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Remy x Marzocchi

DIRT SHAPING. Welcome to the Team, Remy Morton

For Remy Morton, it’s always been about the spirit of building and pure bliss of riding. Watch Remy throw down some of his unique style on a custom trail in “Dirt Shaping.” Better pull your socks up — this is going to be one hell of a ride.

“The goal was to build something that shows what trail building is all about. Not only the utility, but the art of it too. I want to build trails that not only make the landscape more fun, but also more pleasing to the eye.”

Remi for Marzocchi

Can you tell us a bit about the specific trail you worked on for this edit?   

This trail took me and the boys about two years to build, between building community trails and attending events, this was my zone to tune out in between. The goal was to build something that shows what trail building is all about. Not only the utility, but the art of it too. I want to build trails that not only make the landscape more fun, but also more pleasing to the eye. It’s not the craziest line in the world, nor is it the best. But it’s a prime example of DHT (Downhill Trails) and what’s achievable with your friends in the woods!

Remi trailbuilding

Remi building dirtjumps

What are you trying to bring into the space of freeriding?  

I want to bring the new era of park riding and jumping into MTB. I want to be creative with it and enjoy the process from start to finish. I love the freedom of building your own features in the woods and riding them with mates. Instead of bike parks being just a trail network on a mountain, I want to help develop the sport into having actual bike parks. Specific features that are not standardized to disciplines like DH or enduro. Park riding should be its own discipline just like it is in BMX, skateboarding and snow sports.

Jumpin Remi

You reference “DHT” as your personal trail style, enlighten us on what you believe DHT represents...  

DHT stands for “Downhill Trails.” I love BMX and I love riding trails (dirt jumps). A few years ago, I felt like I had two different identities between trails and downhill racing. It got to the point where I realized I may as well just do one of them. With some heavy inspiration from some of my closest friends, I switched my bike to 26” front and 24” rear (an OG mullet) and pledged my commitment to what I see as the new era of MTB.  

What excites you about having the ability to ride features and trails you build for yourself?  

The best thing about trails is the pure simplicity of them. Build your own jumps, build your bike how you like it and do whatever you want in between. Who cares what everyone else thinks or where everyone else is? It’s all about enjoying the process with your friends, being in the woods and finishing the day satisfied with yourself knowing you’re out there doing it.

Jump jump jump around

What are your plans for the 2023 season? Any big trips or plans in the works?  

It’s going to be a good year! It’s been a busy start ticking off some video projects, soon we’ll be off for about six months to ride around Northern America, Europe and Australia, building new Crankworx courses, riding Fest events, riding/building video projects for myself and riding lots of epic spots in between!

Remi's Marzocchi

Ducks on the trail

Welcome to the team, Remy. We couldn’t be more excited to join you on the journey. 

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